Thursday 5 May 2011



My old neighbour who moved a long time ago to another part of the town and now has a bungalow also has green fingers. When I visited her not so long back she gave me a herb growing in a pot and told me what it was.

A few days ago I decided I would make carrot and coriander soup from scratch and began.

When it was time to add the coriander I went outside to the patio and there was the pot I’d been given. I wasn’t sure if it was coriander, though I was certain that this is what my old neighbour had called it.

I had a vague sense of unease and feeling that coriander shouldn’t be a small stout looking plant with stumpy leaves. I had thought that coriander was a more delicate plant with slender stems and a sunny hat of swaying green leaves. I had bought a fresh coriander plant from the supermarket before and it had looked nothing like this. I wondered if it was a different form of coriander, perhaps the fore-runner of the more svelte variety found in the supermarket, an older version.

Despite these misgivings I harvested a handful of leaves and cast them into the soup and put it through the whizzer.

The result was a most delicious soup, not quite the taste I’d expected.

A friend called around yesterday and I showed her the pot containing the stumpy herb and asked her if she knew what it was. With barely a glance she said the name, which I instantly knew to be correct and also the name that my neighbour had used.


I’d made carrot and oregano soup and my friend could not be persuaded to try it.

O-ri-gan-o = four syllables.

Co-ri-an-der = four syllables.

Go-ing-craz-y = four syllables

Feel-such-a-fool = four syllables

I guess I now have these two herbs, oregano and coriander, stored on the same mal-functioning brain cell!

Still, carrot and oregano soup… delicious!

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