Saturday, 8 September 2012

All is Perfect!


All is perfect.

The wonderful computer people ring me to say they have fixed the computer and that there will be no charge.

I drive all the way out to the airport to pick it up and then bring it back.

The youngun is in the bathroom by the time I get back, so I sneak up into his room and get his computer all set up and ready for him as a surprise.

The computer people tell me that the fan had been stuck, and so they had wriggled it a bit and then cut off some of the baffles. This probably accounted for the sound it made once all the connecting pieces had been attached and the power switched on. It was rather like a jumbo jet coming in to land.

"Bit loud," I warned, as the youngun, delighted with the return of his computer, went off to investigate.

"It will be fine," he says with his usual cheery optimism.

“It’s a bit loud,” he confesses.

Having expected to pay hundreds for the repair, I then calculate that this month I could at least now buy some bedding plants to brighten up the rather dull and dilapidated tubs outside.

So off I go.

But there is too much choice, and of course still euphoric about the computer, I indulge my indecision by buying blue as well as pink, yellow as well as lilac.

So all is absolutely perfect in my world as I reach the corner of the road and am just about to turn into my street.

An afternoon of happy gardening awaits me.

Oddly, there a strange confluence of events taking place at the corner of the road. The bin men's lorry is slowly making its way down with rubbish rattling in its innards, as nearby a car signals to allow me out, but suddenly as I do so a huge four by four begins to make a three-point-turn completely blocking my path. It is as if all lives have suddenly been focussed on this tiny point of Google Earth.

I slow as I turn the corner and, then bang!

For a second I wonder if a bin man lies underneath my car, or if I have been clipped by the four by four, or some other vehicle. There is now a roar like a jumbo jet. I knew the youngun’s computer now sounded loud, but surely not that loud!

I pull over onto the side of the road and park. Finding a lucky space just across from my home.

By now, the bin men have gone, the four by four has vanished, and the friendly driver who let me out of the side street has also driven away. The road is deserted as I get out to peer beneath my car.

Resting on the road is the front part of my exhaust  and with it also dangles my perfect day.

I console myself: at least it broke as I arrived back home and not on a busy road somewhere; and at least I can now get a cup of tea as I think what to do next.

Upstairs the is the sound of a jumbo jet permanently taxiing on some internet super runway.

The cat from three doors down comes and purrs loudly.

Thinking? Hah!


2-2012-08-25 cat

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