Sometimes when a writer is researching background detail they can be be taken to a place where they really, really don't want to be.
This has just happened to me.
For 'The Curse of Medusa' (which was initially supposed to be a short story, but where today I found I was writing 'Chapter 3') I have discovered some strange and unusual facts and stories about goats. So far so good…
…but then unluckily I stumbled upon the sacrifice of goats.
That humans still carry out this archaic bloody practice to align themselves with a mythical god is to me totally abhorrent.
It’s a senseless disgusting practice.
From Wikipedia I read that, 'Over 100 million animals are slaughtered annually during Eid ul-Adha across the Islamic world within a 48 hour period.'
One hundred million!
Can that be right?
One hundred million!
It’s a crime!
It is horrendous and pitiful.
One hundred million?
It's an outrage! It should be stopped.
Stop it!
Stop killing the goats!
I have also just read from Wikipedia how, 'Buddha criticized these bloody rituals as being "wasteful, ineffective and cruel."'
How right he was. Having just witnessed a goat sacrifice on YouTube I agree with him entirely.
Such practices are shameful in this modern era. Utterly reprehensible and shameful.
I can only hope that these killers, when they get finally get to whichever heaven they have designated for themselves, find that the god that awaits them surprises them by being the one with horns and a goat's head, and not the one with the white flowing beard.
Poor goats!
How they have suffered in the past. How they still suffer.
Any religion that sacrifices animals is a disgrace. Any person who believes they have to sacrifice an animal to such a god is a fool. An utter, utter fool and a cruel misguided idiot.
I am appalled and disgusted, and if there was any such thing as a right thinking god then I’m sure he would be too!
Stop sacrificing these animals. There is no need. It does no good. No sins are washed away. Heaven’s gate does not creak open.
Stop it!
All I can see is a small animal’s terror.
Put down your knives.
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