Thursday, 22 September 2011

Waiting for Pandora Radio to Return


Dear Pandora Visitor,

We are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S. We will continue to work diligently to realize the vision of a truly global Pandora, but for the time being we are required to restrict its use. We are very sad to have to do this, but there is no other alternative.

We believe that you are in United Kingdom….



This happened long ago and this site still can not be accessed from the UK. This was grievous for me as I love music.

When I was able to access Pandora I  discovered  music I liked. More than that I was introduced to bands that I’d never heard of before.

And then.

Guess what then happened!

I bought the music!

Yes, I bought the music I really, really liked!

I bought hundreds!

So I was supporting the music industry.

My music buying habit was stultified instantly once this Internet radio station closed its door to the UK.

I tried other stations but they were just not as easy to use and were simply not on my wavelength.

So obviously I can’t access Pandora. And if I could then I would protest loudly against any new design should they have adopted one… should I be able to see it.

I loved the old format, the design, the colours, the style, the ease of use. I loved it. Loved it!

I loved the pale blues…so should a new patterned format with circles in a dark blue background enshrouding the music information bar be used, then I would say no! The original was better. Much better. Please give me back the original instead.

I hate such updates!

I would protest loudly if I had experienced …(but being in deepest darkest England how could I possibly know of this?)… adverts that blare over a track even as it is being played.

I would also decry any sudden expansion of adverts, perhaps for ‘I’m guessing, ‘Charlies’ Angels’ suddenly exploding forwards and taking over the whole screen, especially when the music is playing beneath it.

I would protest most strongly … should I have witnessed any such thing.

They wouldn’t tamper with the lovely Pandora format, would they?

That delightful interface we love so well and which so many are patiently waiting to see again.

My dream is that one day Pandora will be open world-wide once again and the interface we loved will be back looking just as it did before.

But being in England how am I to know of such things?

Must just be something passing in the air, some nightmare, made visible by some aberration.

It will come back, won’t it? Pandora Radio. Looking just as it did before.

And soon please. Soon.


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