We did it. We ‘released’ the wild book!
We found the book in Salcey Forest it was a Famous Five Book ‘released’ by a wonderful philanthropic person who lives some where in Oxfordshire.
When we found it, it was wrapped in a plastic bag and resting on a post. We spent an enjoyable afternoon sitting next to a deep bleak pond reading the first chapter.
What a wonderful idea though to read books and then to set them free somewhere for others to read. This is all being done by people at bookcrossing.com. I’d never read Enid Blyton before and I must admit to enjoying the book’s quirkiness.
Today it was our turn to ‘release’ the book. We chose Bucknell Wood which is close to Silverstone. It was our second visit to the wood and we did not have a map. There is a maze of bewildering pathways that you can take. At one point as we decided which of the five possible tracks we should take a fox stood in the distance and watched us. After setting the book down, we then got well and truly lost in the wood.

The paths were muddy and bewildering. It was such a relief to find the main trail again but even then we didn’t know if we were walking in the right direction. It was a relief to find the gate again and our car.
I’m hoping that a good soul walking his or her dogs will find the book and help it on its journey across the world.
Tiny Blonde? Nylon Bidet? Off via emus, indeed!