I discovered today that Alfie, the next door but one neighbour’s cat, is using the soil that’s been hard won from the brick pile as his own personal litter tray.
The robin seems to have disappeared and Alfie has become my new companion as I crack through the hardcore and try to reclaim the ground.

I’d forgotten all about the bones and so I was shocked when I unearthed this latest one.
It is huge. It’s upside down in the photo to the way it was discovered lying in the earth. I was just so shocked to see how it was just underneath the thin concrete layer. I think I was hoping that what I was finding before was just sadly the remains of long dead pets, but this is so different: this is a burial directly under the concrete. Anybody burying a much loved pet would not have then poured concrete over them.

My neighbours who have been in their house for forty years have no recollection of a shed or anything being at the bottom of my garden. So perhaps there was an area rather like a patio at the bottom of the garden.
I have to dig through a foot of rubble to get to the concrete layer so I guess that whatever was buried there was buried over fifty years ago.
I guess it could be a huge bone that was given to a dog and then placed in the hardcore but I’m finding fragile rib bones too, which I’m guessing are not the sort of bones that are given to dogs to chew upon; unless that’s what the previous owners were chomping upon.
I must admit to feeling quite shaken by the discovery of this bone, and the way that it is embedded with the concrete and the hardcore.
It’s all very disturbing for a simple vegetarian like me.
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