Having cut Hammy free from the soft bedding once (see previous post: Cutting the Rope) and reading widely on the net about the dangers of such bedding why oh why did I continue to use it?
Well I did.
What an idiot!
I had loads of the stuff still to use up I suppose that was why I was still using it. Then I wanted to create a nice soft bed for my old, tired hamster to lie upon. I guess that was why I was still using it.
Fool! Fool!
Hammy by frantic scrabbling alerted me to his new plight. This time both legs were entangled and held together by the down.
Only by very careful clipping and cutting did I free him.

I then bathed him very gingerly as he’s no longer able to clean himself.
He’s not drinking so I’m coating his seed stick that now lies horizontally at the base of the cage with natural yoghurt. Even better I also place a ‘table’ of cucumber next to his nose which is topped by yoghurt too.
When I bathe his eyes with cotton buds he sucks on the wet cotton bud too.
But I’m so cross with myself for foolishly continuing to use the soft down.
I’m now using torn up kitchen towels.
And Hammy looks snug.
Very snug.
As I eat his chocolate covered raisins.
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