Sunday, 20 February 2011

A deer, a fox, a swan and a horse.

Drivers in England

There were six people sitting around the table and somehow the conversation got onto animal kills. These are animals that have been killed by their cars. It was a depressing list. Made the worse for me to listen to as they were talking more about how much damage had been done to their cars after such collisions.

They had killed a deer, a fox, a swan and a horse.

So nonchalant were they in the telling of the each tale, as if it hadn’t really mattered save for the damage to the car.

How about…?


10/10 for The Bull’s Head in Kelmarsh Rd, Arthingworth, Market Harborough.

As a vegetarian choosing from a menu is usually easy. There is generally only one choice so whereas my omnivorous friends have to deliberate between this dish and that said my decision is already made for me. Usually it’s a vegetarian lasagne.

I had joined a group of walkers and we were told to book our meals in the pub before we set off. My face had fallen at the sight of the vegetarian lasagne. I like it to be sure, but every time?

The man sitting on the stool nearby that I’d taken to be a customer turned out to be the chef. Would you like something else he asks. How about rice, with mushrooms, in a stilton cheese sauce, with garlic bread and a salad?

Oh yes, please.

The walk was slippy. We went on some very muddy pathways and then through one of the tunnels on the Brampton Valley Way.

And at the end a veritable feast, absolutely delicious served on hot plates.
